13 October 2013

Long Overdue Apartment Video

Suji - land of apartments
(photo source: http://www.panoramio.com/photo/47144035 )

Earlier this Summer (err I guess technically it's Autumn now, whatever) I finally escaped from the crap that was my London Vill apartment into a regular human sized apartment down the street.  A big part of the reason why I decided to stay in Korea a bit longer than originally planned was to do with this move.  I had to sign a year contract and I moved in in May, so instead of being a jerk and bailing out three months into my contract, I decided to do the mature thing and finish my apartment contract as well as extend at work so they end at the same time.  Anyway, enough with the words, onto the video (after the link)!


  1. Hey -- I think I am moving to Suji within the month. I found your blog through a Google search. Do you like it so far?

    1. Hahaha this comment just made my day. LAURA how weird is this!!!!

  2. Not that I wouldn't miss having an oven there, but a washing machine is awesome. But where/how do you dry your clothes? Little everyday chores are always different in a new place, not to mention a new country. How do you handle that if it's an apartment without a balcony/clothesline or dryer?

    1. I actually have a large drying rack that folds up that I try to keep hidden. I hang dry some things but I actually take my load of laundry most weeks to a laundromat down the street and use the coin machine to dry. 헐...
